Cadence Touch Demo
Proof of Concept Project
In addition to my normal work load I saw need to create a tablet companion app for Cadence. Sr. management agreed and allowed me to create a proof of concept.
My Role
UX UI designer /Project Lead
Time line
May 2015 -Sep. 2015
The Objective
The objective was to take the BHA creation and inventory selection and deploy that on an Xplore Bobcat tablet. The goal was to create a true tablet interface that would feel like Cadence but with the proper controls for a tablet environment.
Sample wireframe from Prototype.
Understanding the Domain
Having the section of Cadence deployed to a tablet would cut down on the time it takes to enter the tool dimensions into Cadence. When this was designed, the MWD would need to walk down to where the tools are stored on the rig site, measure each point, and record that number on paper. Once all the measurements are taken, that data is entered into Cadence, which calculates where the BHA is in relation to the well plan.
If a measurement is wrong, it needs to be re-measured, as being off by one inch on the surface is the difference between hitting the oil deposit and missing it. Missing the target means more person-hours spent pulling X number of feet of drill pipe and tools out of the boreholes and re-drilling along the right path.
Deploying this section of Cadence on a tablet was to eliminate the duplication of work when entering the critical measurements into the system. In addition, having the tablet sync up to the database will let the MWD put in the measurements once.
Expanding on what I learned
After redesigning the motors system, I wanted to expand that capability to a mobile platform. The proof of concept centers around outfitting a Mud Motor with the correct accessory's and entering the dimensional and non-dimensional measurements for a ON-TRAK ( Baker Hughes).
I started this project by reaching out to the Product Owners, and subject matter experts to see what challenges could arise with deploying on a tablet.
Wireframes | Interactive Prototype
Under my leadership, the deliverable was an interactive prototype. The prototype would serve as the road map for the engineering intern that was tasked by me in developing the tablet application.
All the goals were met. I had a working version of the application that was deployed on an approved tablet. I shared the POC with members of the SR. Management for Baker Hughes drilling services